Sunday, 27 March 2016



     Further study should take place by opening a new topic, namely sheet "reliability and validity of a test." In this topic, what I have learned and understand them is to understand the "validity" means to advance the process of establishing the validity of a test. It involves gathering and evaluating. While the "Reliability" was more to Determining how much of the variance in test scores is reliable variance.

Image result for reliability and validity

     Through these topics, what I understand is, something that is the responsibility of teachers for working students. All the work that was given, settled and in the need to be valid and reliable. As a future teacher must be own and cultivate a sincere and trust in yourself. Any work done and accountable must be resolved without any bias and fraud. Because through it, all the work that is very perfect.


  1. hi mahera, i already read your reflection which is the third reflection and i agree with you that as a teacher or as a person who will became a teacher must not bias and fraud with certain students, especially in giving the mark for their test.

    1. Hai wiewie! Sorry I overlooked your comment before, thanks for the support and motivation to continue visiting my blog, I hope you also get a lot of benefits and good luck! 😘

    2. thank you back mahera, and wish you good luck too


  2. for this section, it is simply know what was the reliability and the validity with complete content, objective and the example to be use in future.

    1. thank you for visit my blog and hopefully give you more information for your future.
