Wednesday, 3 August 2016


We start learning in the first week, which usually begins with the second week of the coming semester, Miss Soinim Musa, as teachers in this subject briefly explain to us all about the topics discussed in class 1. is about the introduction of curriculum and pedagogy, including the concept for both curriculum and pedagogy, definitions, differences, history and philosophy of education related to the topics discussed.

What I understand is in the first week, we learned that the purpose of pedagogy, Pedagogy is the study of teaching, especially teaching in formal education. In other words, the pedagogy is the science and art of how to teach in schools. In general pedagogical subjects is mandatory for those who want to become teachers at the school. As a broad area of ​​study, involving research on the pedagogical process of teaching and learning, classroom management, school organization and teacher-student interaction. In terms of etymology, the word comes from the Greek Pedagogical paidagogos servant who sent and took the boys to and from school. The word "bid" refers to children, which makes the reason why some people tend to distinguish between pedagogy (teaching children) and Andragogy (teaching adults). The Greek word for pedagogy, education is more widely used, and often both can be converted to.

In conclusion, the use of appropriate pedagogy helps children in learning. Use proper pedagogical methods also help children improve their knowledge in the Malay language with a deeper and broader.

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