Wednesday, 10 August 2016


On 8 august 2016 is the day when the course of the last lecture to the subject "Curriculum and Pedagogy". At the beginning of the lecture, Miss Soinim warned us about the tasks that must be completed at the latest by Friday of this week because marks will be calculated to carry the scoring mark for the sixth semester assignment. Miss Soinim also tells us a list of nominees that have not been completed and handed over to him to be given a scoring assignments. Next, the lecturer also told about the existing formula on this subject as the understanding of students in mastering the subject. At first no one group who offered to give talks on the subject, so that eventually leads a group of lecturers that provide insights for the formulation of a topic they chose. Finally what was discussed by the topic a bit much to add to our understanding of the other groups. From what I found out the findings of the group, I understand the important things that should be included in the curriculum of the right.

Sunday, 7 August 2016


In the weeks that followed, Miss Soinim gave a little about what we had learned before. Lecturers also commented on stretching gangs last week. In the last week, not much touched on the topic by the lecturer. Miss Soinim just reminded that the task should be completed in full and hard copies should be sent to the lecturer as evidence of the work and assignments. In addition, Miss Soinim also told that should send a task in UNIEC before the deadline and warned that if Miss Soinim not submit assignments, marks will be deducted.


This week, our lecturers provide an opportunity for each member of the group to present their work to the group willingly ready and complete. Lecturer mention any names of members of the group as a sign ready before starting the presentation in front of friends and lecturers. First and second groups present their work so well that making a lecturer impressed with their work, all the friends are giving new ideas to see the work that they do. Our group had fewer problems related to a lack of essential content and take the opportunity to improve business results. After making an addition to be good, our group decided to extend the presence of lecturers to present their work and opinions of lecturers for the work that we did. Lecturer satisfied with our work and give a little extra in the important content is to complement its efforts.


Next, at week 7, Lecturer inquire about the task that has been provided. Lecturers will also feel confused with questions and direct us along with members of their respective groups in order to discuss further.

Furthermore, Lecturer warns us that the presentation will run next week so that lecturers can find out various stages that we have conducted. Through this second task, I and members of the group have agreed to divide the respective divisions with fair and equitable. After the meet and combine work, our group is getting ready for the week ahead with the presentation.

Wednesday, 3 August 2016


In the sixth week, after the we were having Eid mubarak break, lecturers continue learning and teaching the next of Curriculum Theory & Practice. Through these topics, there are four ways of approaching / looking at curriculum theory and practice. First is the curriculum as a body of knowledge to be transmitted, second is the curriculum as an attempt to achieve certain ends in students-product, third is curriculum as a process and last one is a curriculum as praxis. 4 ways through approaching at curriculum, it is used in reference to the suitability of the curriculum that you want to use. This is because, the approach varies according to the curriculum used to do when doing an activity class. Curriculum framework is also important that The theoretical, The The practical and productive. Through these learning, lecturers miss soinim explain more clearly about the order of the syllabus, process, product and praxis. It aims to further facilitate such a process, the process is used. At the end of the learning and teaching, directing lecturer to discuss the results of the work to be completed with a group of friends.

In conclusion, curriculum, theory and practice are essential to produce a curriculum that aims to teach or so. What is learned is very useful to use in the future.


The next week the week four, lecturer reconnect the second topic of the topics that we learned last week with a different headline of The Field of Curriculum. In this topic, we know the curriculum in greater depth the curriculum is a field of study consisting of lists of subject taught in schools. A field also subject courses that affects us all both within the field of study. Curriculum also involves analyzing broad concept and has a dynamic system. Through fields of curriculum, we understand that the field of curriculum has distinctive element to measure every inch esan learning of a child to have different elements. Lecturers also shed light on the curriculum, as well as the types of curriculum approach is necessary and very important for us to know.

There are five types of curriculum approach emphasized by the lecturers of behavioral approach, managerial approach, the systems approach, academic approach and also humanistic approach. All five of these approaches has its own interests which need to be applied in carrying out the school curriculum.

In conclusion, based on the suitability of the curriculum used in teaching. Teachers need to learn the proper approach when using a curriculum.


In the third week of that means learning to two, lecturer miss soinim tells about the first and second assignment of first assignment create a blog, the second assignment was to create curriculum that is based on the subjects we choose. Questions and answers in class give a complete understanding and enable us formulate an answer that will be created.

In the third week of this, the lecturers have taught second topic titled The Roles of Curriculum Worker. In this topic, we are exposed to various other parts of the curriculum practitioner, classroom teacher, school administrators, curriculum disseminators, curriculum evaluators, curriculum evaluator roles and curriculum advocates. What I understand about Curriculum Workers are people who work on curriculum engage in many different types of endeavors. As a teacher, what they need to know, they will deal with stress, in addition, they will also find out how to take care of students to experience and so on. Curriculum too had a first time approach that appeared both comprehensive and workable. Lecturers also describes curriculum advise workers to concentrate student behavior in devising objective for a unit appropriate to emphasize learning experience rather than simply identifying.

In conclusion, each has its own curriculum. With a curriculum worker, to be in accordance with the method used to children and how they are implemented.


We start learning in the first week, which usually begins with the second week of the coming semester, Miss Soinim Musa, as teachers in this subject briefly explain to us all about the topics discussed in class 1. is about the introduction of curriculum and pedagogy, including the concept for both curriculum and pedagogy, definitions, differences, history and philosophy of education related to the topics discussed.

What I understand is in the first week, we learned that the purpose of pedagogy, Pedagogy is the study of teaching, especially teaching in formal education. In other words, the pedagogy is the science and art of how to teach in schools. In general pedagogical subjects is mandatory for those who want to become teachers at the school. As a broad area of ​​study, involving research on the pedagogical process of teaching and learning, classroom management, school organization and teacher-student interaction. In terms of etymology, the word comes from the Greek Pedagogical paidagogos servant who sent and took the boys to and from school. The word "bid" refers to children, which makes the reason why some people tend to distinguish between pedagogy (teaching children) and Andragogy (teaching adults). The Greek word for pedagogy, education is more widely used, and often both can be converted to.

In conclusion, the use of appropriate pedagogy helps children in learning. Use proper pedagogical methods also help children improve their knowledge in the Malay language with a deeper and broader.

Tuesday, 2 August 2016


Hello, My name Mahera Binti Sambas, age 22, from Tuaran, Kota Kinabalu, Sabah. The youngest of 11 siblings. Pursuing a degree in UNITAR International University took courses in Early Childhood Education Bachelor (Hons). First of all, thank you for my lecturer for this course Miss Soinim as always guide us in completing assignments. There is nothing special about me, just want to prove that the failure is not a determinant of future 😉

Thursday, 21 July 2016


Everyone should have personal goals to be achieved in life under any circumstances and manner, personal dreams and goals have evolved in line with developments and achievements themselves. In that case, one of my goals that I do not seem to really focus on my college educations. Considering all things. I decided I needed to focus on my college education in order to realize my dreams to live performance and become true.

My goal in life is to complete my degree in early childhood educations. It is one dream when  I was a kid. I want to be educated in human survival. Next, to find a decent job to earn life and responsible for learning and teaching the children to be higher in future. To achieve this, I should have done more vigorously and remain in employment.

My teaching philosophy is a way of life we are 'zero' if there is no effort to find and acquire knowledge. Not all men are able to study and learn as much as we can as it is now. Learn while capable and tired to get all the knowledge in itself as supplies to educate and teach the young children in time to come. I believe that, with tenacity and devotion of a  person to benefit and satisfaction to ourselves. I also believe that every individual should be given the opportunity to learn because through education, someone will have the opportunity to change the status of a better life. For me, the purpose of education is to meet the basic needs of individuals to achieve success in life. I also think, the direction of one's life is supposed to be based on providing basic knowledge, experience and character building so they can contribute to the family, society and  the country in general. As a man who had knowledge,  I want to help young people so that they have the basic knowledge, strong learning experience as well as the formation  of a brilliant personality.

Wednesday, 13 April 2016



       Through learning the topic in the next week, as always, we are exposed to new yng topics, through the topics that have been taught by lecturers, we use for the sake of our future which is to adapt the knowledge to use in a future career. Despite the topic, we continue the syllabus so that the assessment procedure. On this topic, we know that there are various types of outcome, for example outcome of skills, work habits, social attitudes and so on. In addition, we also do the procedures disclosed methods? what we already know, there are 4 types of procedures methods of anecdotal records, self report, interest inventories and personality measures. With this knowledge, we as students are able to operate and capable of running a school with a regular assessment.



      Turning to next week, what has been taught by lecturers are introduced two types of rubrics to be known by the students. Among the most stressed by lecturers Peer assessment is a collaboration rubric. On this rubric, the lecturer will explain how we as teachers create and use a rubric in accordance with the requirements of the question in proper scoring. Through such exposure, the students know how the marks were correct and should be given by teachers. Next, the lecturer also reveals what it is measuring complex achievement. Lecturer clearly explain the topic to students so easily understood.

       Based on what I've learned, I know how I am as students were scoring. Many more students complained when scores were considered less than the answers they give, this occurs because students do not understand how the marks given. Therefore, it is very important because it can be used when I was a teacher in the future.

Tuesday, 29 March 2016



       In the next week, our lecturers namely Mr David continue sessions with topics viz "Constructing objective question and Constructing essay. In that title, Lecturer David also gave a thorough explanation and explain Types of performance bases Assessments. In the meantime, lecturer reviewed in depth about four types of performance bases Assessments. in addition, the lecturers also explains the title Restricted response performance test relating to require a student to start with a simple multiple choice or short answer question and then ask for an explanation of the answer. We all concentrate fully in the session. Lecturers also describes in detail and full of appreciation for the understanding of truth to the students. someone learning does not end after the expiry of topics, lecturers give assignments and classroom training on the findings of our learning throughout the class. 3 questions given the task performance Restricted response, Two type of performance assessment and define the terms authentic assessment and the need to set up alternatives assessment.Tugasan when in class. The students answer the question meant.

Example question in class

Lastly, based on what I've learned, I can learn how to and how to make constructing questions based on objective and Constructing essay question. This is very useful for prospective teachers as to learn the way, we are able to easily create questions and sufficient conditions. We know the proper and appropriate given to children according to age appropriateness.



           Back with my reflection 7 that i have learn in class from my lecture that is Mr David, it is all about the construction of a test. So basically, it is include the content of the test that significant for how to constructing a test. Lecture also explain about the type of the assessment that is short answer that is reliable for what the test is all about. By this, short answer must slightly have a line blank that were as same as for the answer that should be written by a student. It is more of on how to interpret the question blank and the answer of it that will be given. By this, it may deducted by the short answer . In this case, short answer have the advantage. For most of it, short answer is a simple line where I have explain about the line of a blank that must similarly to the answer of a question. It took severally of a question and plus, in term of condition, it is short and have the advantage of time for student to done it. But for the disadvantage of it. Among the student, it may reasonable for student to find the answer patronizing. For the multiple choice question, it is all about how to knowing the question and have the answer by the A, B, C and D. In this sentence of answer, it only have one answer correctly and the rest of it is false. For this, it may be difficult but student can adapt on how to done it as usual. above it have the example from Mr David that gave to all student to done it but just to comment it whether it is good or bad.




  Back where class started, at week 6 that my lecture Mr David told about the topic of definition and introduction of multiple choice test that include multiple choice question , short answer and essay. In this term of it, i will tell the introduction about what i learn in class . The define form for the multiple choice question is that it consist of the question and have also the answer too by the term of A, B, C and D. In this section, the multiple choice question is more of an easy yet it may be difficult too for student. Even it consist an answer above the question, it only have one answer to circle it, and yet the rest is wrong answer. MCQ also consist of the choice by the question of a roman sign for example I, II, III and IV. Secondly is the short answer. For this, it must be relevant for the line of a blank that followed with how long of the answer. The answer must not that long enough until there has no space for it. By it, there have the qualification of condition do do the short answer for student. And for the last one is the essay. It is familiar to all student to do it. For essay, it have the question to tell on how, what, where . It also consist in describe, advantage, disadvantage of it. 

  From what i learn from Mr David, this kind of method must known to all teacher on how to do it partially. It must consist on how regular term to do it. I have also learn that it can gave me on how to do it correctly when i become a teacher. It maybe tough to do it but, this is how it work as a teacher in class or in school. The subject also matter for me on doing this multiple choice answer.



     Next, i am back with my reflection 5 at class Mr David that is Assessment. In this topic, i am study about the test construction, multiple choice test and competency assessment. For this section, it is more kindly in assessing student by format in question of a test that were also include of on how to give a question in test. It is also test by how it reliable and valid in test for student. By it, it is more useful tool to have and adapt the tool to more discipline and no bias walking to the test session. The type of test that were given is true or false, short answer, fill in the blank MCQ question and more that usually heard of it. This kind of method that were used is a method that are old fashion but stil can be used to future. My lecture also give me idea of it from the test that is the formality and, reliability and validity that must be used it to aimed for what it must be done.

     My reflection on this topic is that I have learned and know the kinds of questions that can be given to children as a judgment to determine the level of their learning. In addition, I also know the type of questions that are appropriate and can be given to children according to their age appropriateness. It is necessary to emphasize the age of the child as to the suitability of the right age, children are able to answer the following questions and make them understanding and experience. Such knowledge is also very important because it is very useful, because when we become teachers in the future we will use in teaching and learning in the classroom.